Enough about us,
we’ll let our work speak for itself.

We’d love for you to be our next review!
We’re here to answer any questions you have about our panels, our work, or solar thermal.
Investments in the unknown can be daunting, let’s make it known.
Let our team lead you through the process, from start, to finish.
Frequently asked questions:
An Ojibwe prophecy tells of a time where humanity comes to a fork in the road, one path is well worn and scorched, the other is green.
We decided on the latter.
We are currently trying to get some legislature behind solar thermal, as it is not as well known as solar PV (electric).
Yes we do! We offer a ten year warranty on the system, if it is installed by 8th Fire Solar or a registered 8th Fire Solar dealer/installer. Rain, hail, snow, & yes, even baseballs.
Our team is always looking to share our technology and increase public knowledge of solar thermal, reach out to us today if you’re interested!
Like most any energy technology, solar thermal might not be right for you. Let our team work you through the process and help you find out.
We’d shake your hand if ours weren’t full.
Contact Us Today!
Let us help with any questions you might have, help you decide what system is right for you, or just help you understand more about solar thermal.
We’re here to help!